(Cardigan, PE  July 26, 2022)- Chip Stock Potato Producers, Morgan & Karissa Smallman, from J& J Farms Ltd of Alberton, PE were named Atlantic’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2022. The winners were announced at the regional event held at Rodd Brudenell in Prince Edward Island July 21-22.

Morgan considers being raised on his family farm in Knutsford, Prince Edward Island a gift. He credits his father with instilling a strong work ethic, and says ‘there is nothing like the sense of accomplishment when you start the harvest, and see those first few bright white potatoes come out of the red dirt.’ Morgan’s dream job was to be a “smart farmer”. He attended Nova Scotia Agriculture College and obtained a degree in Economics. Morgan returned to the sixth-generation J & J Farms Ltd. in 2014 after working as an Agronomist.

During that first year, Morgan was looking for something that would generate cash flow and create more year-round work for their employees, and started the trucking side of the business. Early on, plans were to increase the acreage size of the farm, but after a learning experience in 2017, he realized that ‘bigger is not always better.’ Since then, the farm has moved out of rotational grains, and now focuses on soil health and plant soil building crops such as Sudan Sorghum and Alfalfa to ensure optimal soil health for their 400-acre chip stock potato crop.

Morgan believes that conversations are the key, and uses his optimistic nature to promote the industry by sharing his farming story on social media and hosting many farm tours. Morgan is grateful for all of Karissa’s support with family and the farm.

The Atlantic Regional event was well attended by alumni from the four Atlantic provinces. The region was honoured to have in attendance Danny Penner, Vice-President of the National OYF board. Danny commented that “The Atlantic awards banquet showcased the positivity and excellence that the OYF program celebrates. Morgan & Karissa Smallman will be great ambassadors for agriculture at the national event later this year”.

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers’ program is an annual competition to recognize farmers that exemplify excellence in their profession and promote the tremendous contribution of agriculture. Open to participants 18 to 39 years of age, making the majority of their income from on-farm sources, participants are selected from seven regions across Canada, with two national winners chosen each year. The program is sponsored nationally by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, CIBC, CN, John Deere, Bayer and Sollio Agriculture and national media sponsors Glacier FarmMedia and WS. It is supported nationally by BDO.

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers for 2022 will be chosen at the National event in Saskatoon, SK from November 23-27, 2022.



For more information or a photo of Morgan & Karissa, contact:

Carla Kaeding, Program Manager,

Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmers

306.896.7833 ·kaedingc@hotmail.com  · www.oyfcanada.com